How to develop the competencies of the front desk staff? Effects of the training courses provided for the patient registration team at the dr Beata Dethloff Clinic.
“The experience gained from the courses brought invaluable benefits to the registration desk staff, and the knowledge we have gained converted into the effectiveness of the entire team at our clinic.”

Ewa Okpisz
Administration Manager
at Beata Dethloff M.D. Clinic

We have been able to improve the handling of requests and communication
Thanks to Medidesk, the number of our patients has increased
Thanks to Medidesk,
we were able to achieve:
satisfaction of the manager following the training
per call resulting in an appointment
Beata Dethloff M.D. aesthetics and anti-aging clinics
are located in Warsaw and in Konstancin-Jeziorna
They offer services in the scope of medicine, gynecological surgery, laser therapy, dermatology, endocrinology, cosmetology and SPA, trichology and dietetics. The clinic also performes innovative nutrigenetic tests. Many celebrities have taken advantage of the clinic’s services so far hence the management makes every effort to maitain the highest standard of service and impeccable attitude towards their patients.

How to convert long and knowledge-intensive
calls into appointments?
Great quality of the performed procedures and carefully selected specialists attract increasing number of patients. Among them there are many celebrities known from magazine covers. Every day both registration desks at Dethloff M.D. Clinics receve hundreds of calls from inquiring patients. The registration team does not only makae appointments for visits and procedures but often also explains what particular procedures look like, help choose the proper specialits etc.
Implementation of the Medidest application
and proper training of the front desk team
Implementation of VoIP telecommunication for processing telephone inquiries

Firstly, as in the cases of some other clients, we have implemented VoIP telecommunication solutions and the Medidesk application to process patient inquiries. In this case we focused on:
- the lenghts of telephone conversation,
- statuses of calls which do not result in appointments,
- sales capabilities of the registration team.
It was a very interesting experience to work with calls performed by the team at Beata Dethloff M.D. Clinics. Pleasant, substantial and professional calls – upon first impresson it all sounded great. During call reviews and conversations with the team it turned out that what the employees need is confidence in conducting calls and soft sales skills, such as proper closing and selecting arguments for patients who are uncertain or distrustful. – remembers Urszula Łaskawiec, Trainer and Customer Success Manager at Medidesk.
We decided to conduct a series of workshops with the purpose of teaching the team what types of client-patietns they may come accross. What decidion modes and arguments may be used to get to them. Example? The Client who depends on others will not make an independent decision even to make a basic consult appointment, because they need a reasurring stimulus, which will confirm them in their conviction that they are doing the right thing. In addition our Trainer spoke with the team about “Active Listening” methods and ways to recommend particular services. The participants also took advantave of practical exercises, which gave them the possibility to solidify their newly gained skills.
What has been achieved by
The introduction of Medidesk solutions?
The average duration of a conversation
The Registration team implemented effective advice from the Medidest Trainer and increased the number of appointments. The average duration of a conversation decreased from 2:15 minutes ro 1:49 minutes, while effectiveness in making appointments increased!
Moreover, as result of inquiries regarding post workshop feedback it turned out that the Medidesk Trainer additionally motivated the entire registration team to make a better effort in their conversations with the patient. Registration employees felt that they haven’t simply been send back to their desks with real issues at hand, but instead they gained practical methods and tools to help them achieve their goals – to make appointment or sucesfully upsell services. Also, during the audit review, the changes which the team implemented into their calls were positively confirmed in voice recordings. The employees themselves admitted that it became easier for them to conduct conversations with patients, with whom they previously struggeld.
September 2019
September 2019
What has been achieved by
the implementation of Medidesk solutions?
Significant increase in the number of calls answered and callbacks
Increase in appointments and new patients
Increase in motivation the registration team