
Get to know our customers’ opinions

“With Medidesk, I have the opportunity to analyse the indicators of interest to me, as well as fully monitor the work of the medical reception. After implementing the application, our team achieved 40 % greater effectiveness in the evaluation audit for obtaining sales opportunities for medical services!”
Piotr Korc
“Medidesk has responded to our expectations in terms of comprehensive service of telephone calls and rapport with potential customers.”
Mariusz Wolańczyk
President of the Management Board of Kinesis
“We have been using the Medidesk application for less than 2 years. Thanks to it, we managed to create a comprehensive service of telephone calls and rapport with potential patients in our Therapy Centres and in the hospital. In addition, it allowed for fast communication between facilities.”
Małgorzata Jarzębska
Allenort General Manager
“We decided to use the Medidesk application, which significantly improves our work. Thanks to this tool, we can accurately verify the current operation of our call center. Medidesk also allows us to instantly recognise a patient who is trying to contact the facility again, or to repeat a medical service they have previously performed with us.”
Karolina Rybak
Head of the Management Office of Ambroziak Clinic
“I can't imagine my morning coffee without checking the statistics that I have access to from anywhere in the world after logging in to the app. The professional approach of Medidesk specialists and the wide range of possibilities this tool has, allows me to whole-heartedly recommend this application.”
Anna Czepita
Manager of EFFI Clinic
“The Medidesk recommendations and tools allowed me to carefully analyse the effectiveness of appointments and the sources of obtaining patients. Thanks to this, I know where we used to lose our patients and money!”

Returning patient calls is extremely simple and the application motivates the medical receptionists to perform this action. Medidesk allows us to immediately forward the patient’s call to the ward they want to contact directly, e.g. orthodontist. Thanks to the capabilities of the IVR system, all communication is efficient.”
Agata Ostrzycka
Manager Dental Clinic Józefów
“We are convinced that no other solution in Poland would provide us with the transparency of patient reports provided by Medidesk. It is thanks to this company and the application that we are introducing better standards, while simultaneously increasing patient satisfaction. Working with specialists from Medidesk is a pleasure for us.”
Marzena Waszczak Jeka
Associate Director Nasz Lekarz 
“Medidesk is not only an intuitive tool supporting the work of medical receptionists and managers, but also a qualified team of specialists. We have always been able to count on the support of Medidesk’s customer service department. The team is extremely involved and has substantive knowledge. Working with such experienced staff has helped us avoid many technical problems.”
Jacek Kostrzewa
President of the Management Board of Melitus
"In addition to many helpful functionalities, Medidesk also has a group of specialists who support us in our daily work. As soon as we need help, we know we can count on them. Together, we make summaries and analyse what elements of work we can improve, what needs to be more efficient, how to develop patient service.”
Agnieszka Ratyńska-Garstka
Director of Operations at Megalens
“Medidesk, is an application we needed very much and had been looking for, for a long time. No other tool gives us as much opportunity and as wide a range of services as Medidesk. It is also incredible that what had previously taken us months to complete (statistics, compilations, analyses), application experts showed us in the Medidesk statistics within minutes, with just a few clicks.
Joanna Ogrodnik-Arcinowska
Vice President of the Board of Salus
"Thanks to implementing the Medidesk application in our facilities, we have not only gained more patients, but above all, we have improved communication and handling of phone calls.
dr n. med. Paweł Radwan
President of the Board of Gameta Hospital
“Since the Medidesk expert training, our medical reception answers more phone calls and books in patients more effectively. I can't imagine my morning coffee without checking the statistics in the Medidesk manager’s panel.
Aleksandra Szemetiuk
Owner of UltraMedica
“After implementing the Medidesk application in our centre, we have not only gained more patients, but above all, we have improved communication and handling of reports and gained a tool for efficient monitoring of patient traffic.”
Jacek Kostrzewa
Sales and Marketing Manager CBT Center
"I strongly recommend the Medidesk application to any hospital unit for which their patient’s well-being and professional patient service are paramount."
Jacenty Drópiewski
Managing Director Swissmed
“We treated Medidesk’s implementation as a revolution, as until then, we hadn’t had a system that monitored phone calls and analysed the efficiency of reception. Thanks to, among others, the “mystery customer” reports and a monthly analysis of results, we have increased our effectiveness and introduced processes that have professionalised the operation of our entire team."
Anna Salomon
Co-owner of Skin Concept
“Comprehensive implementation as well as professional after-sales care allowed for better organisation of the work of our facility. An important aspect is the ease of use and the versatility and flexibility of the proposed solutions.”
Krzysztof Wójtowicz
President of the Board of the Sucholeska Clinic
"From the moment of implementation, Medidesk has been my basic work tool, thanks to which my medical reception has specific, measurable goals and tasks to complete, and I, as a manager, can verify them on an ongoing basis with the team."
Monika Chwojnicka
Acting Manager at Derma Derm
“Medidesk turned out to be a solution that met my expectations 100%. I recommend it with full responsibility to any managing director of a commercial medical entity.”
Anna Goździalska
Director of Libermedic
"Despite the fact that we are constantly learning how to work with the application and discovering all its functionalities, we know that the implementation of Medidesk will allow us to serve our patients even more effectively."
Ewa Strawiak
Director of Judyta Medical Center
“I recommend Medidesk experts both in terms of marketing and managerial knowledge. I am confident that the application will appear in all our facility locations.
Justyna Jóźwik
Deputy Unit KRIOSONIK W-wa
"The greatest advantage of the application is the ability to identify customers (in cooperation with the system for arranging and billing appointments) and return received calls, which is most important for commercial patients."
Olga Kołda
Kierownik ds. administracyjnych Las-med rehabilitacja
“Exemplary implementation with training that produced results from the first days of working with the application. The knowledge backed up by experience in the medical industry combined with the new Medidesk application technology is what convinced me to collaborate.
Minika Michalak
Amedica Clinic Coordinator
“With the reports generated by Medidesk, we have the opportunity to monitor the course and results of our marketing activities. We have concrete data at our disposal, not estimates and theoretical assumptions, and that is the true value of the Medidesk system.
Monika Mikulska
Managing Director of Ameds
“Medidesk is an excellent tool for managing the work of even a small facility like ours. Fast and efficient implementation and professional training allowed us to use the application from the very beginning without the slightest of problems. Thanks to Medidesk, our company has reached a new level of professionalism.
Jacek Więcek
Owner of Mediclinica
“Due to the planned development of our facility and the change of location, we decided to choose the Medidesk application together with VoIP telephony, which allowed us to recover patients from the first day of implementation. I am a satisfied customer since 2020, which is why, as part of the cooperation, I entrusted my website to Media Health, which works with the application.
dr Paweł Gołaszewski, dr Błażej Jasiuk
Owners of Goya Medical
“The registration service panel in the application enables our medical reception team to respond quickly and systematically to missed calls. Every patient contacting our facility gets a reply, thanks to the introduction by Medidesk experts of good standards of patient service, including calling back all missed telephone calls."
Tomasz Wiliński
Sports Rehabilitation Centre
"Medidesk has responded to our needs related to comprehensive telephone service and seamless contact with potential customers.

Since implementing the application, the department of customer success is a great support. It regularly performs the so-called mystery patient audit and checks how our medical reception handles the application and whether it makes full use of its functionalities.”
Sandra Uznańska
General Manager Medistica Medical Group
"By deciding to implement MediBot to handle COVID-19 vaccination appointments, we have not only increased the efficiency of our entire medical reception team, but also gained automatic and comprehensive service consisting of conducting the patient through the entire vaccination registration process."
Jacek Olszewski
Owner of Arnica Medical Center
“Medidesk is a tool that has allowed us to verify the actual amount of incoming telephone traffic to all of our facilities. Before implementing the application, we were unaware that it is so large and that patients may have trouble with making an appointment.”
Michał Łach
Managing Director CM Promeda
“The Medidesk application made it easier to organise the work of our facilities, which has become not only simpler and more comfortable for our employees, but also much more effective.”
Aleksandra Szemetiuk
Member of the Management Board Dom Lekarski (House of Medicine)