Take back your time and improve the quality of patient service with voice bots at your medical facility
“We decided to implement the Medidesk app and voice bots at our facility because we wanted to provide our patients with a higher level of service than other public healthcare facilities. We believe that all our patients should be receiving the highest level of service”

Aneta Pocheć
Director’s Plenipotentiary for Organisation, Marketing and Medical Contracts at SZPZLO Praga-Północ

We have been able to improve the handling of requests and communication
Thanks to Medidesk, the number of our patients has increased
Thanksto Medidesk,
we were able to achieve:
responsiveness of bot calls
increase in answered calls
The independent group of public treatment facilities
Praga-Północ is an institution with a long history
Under its current name, the facility has been operating in Warsaw since 1998.
The facility provides medical services in the field of primary health care and outpatient specialist care, including dentistry and psychiatry. It provides night and holiday health care, as well as sanitary transport, diagnostics and health promotion. SZPZLO Praga-Północ has been a Medidesk customer since 2022.

THE challenge
Take back your time and improve the quality of patient service
with voice bots at your medical facility
At SZPZLO Praga- Północ there are 47,000 patient declarations confirming their choice of primary care physician. Daily, in all facilities comprising of 5 locations, 30,000 patients are supported and 4,000 calls are operated.
Despite great success in the medical field, SZPZLO Praga-Północ noticed a problem with ensuring good standards of patient service. Facing, among others, complaints made to the National Health Fund related to the inability of patients to reach SZPZLO Prague-Północ facilities.
Nevertheless, despite the recruitment of additional medical receptionists and staff training in quality patient care, the situation was not improving at a sufficient pace, in line with the expectations of patients and management of the facility.
solution NO. 1
Launch of two Medidesk voice bots
solution NO. 2
Implementation of Medidesk application

In order to improve and automate many repetitive processes that took reception employees a long time and thus prevented efficient telephone traffic management, we recommended implementing the Medidesk application and Medidesk voicebots.
The tools were implemented as part of a free Medical Revolution program consisting of the following stages:
- analysis of the work of medical receptionists and execution of the mystery patient test
- implementation of the Medidesk application
- training medical reception staff on effective communication and good standards of patient service
- launch of two Medidesk virtual voice assistants. Professional voice bots from Medidesk are a software using voice interface for direct communication with patients. Patient calls to the medical reception are automatically received and handled by virtual consultants.
- Medidesk expert care for 14 days.
We started our cooperation with the facility by performing the ‘mysterious patient’ test — an audit element of the medical reception’s work. As part of the tests, we verified the quality and effectiveness of the medical receptionists’ work in terms of patient service.
During the work preparing the implementation of voicebots at SZPZLO Praga-Północ, Medidesk specialists developed conversation scenarios conducted by two bots in the following areas: changing or cancelling the date of your appointment, as well as ordering prescriptions.
What has been achieved by
The introduction of Medidesk solutions?
Percentage of calls answered at the Beginning of the Medical Revolution programme and 14 Days After Medidesk Implementation
Within 7 days of implementation, the two voice bots handled 969 calls, thereby alleviating the burden from medical receptionists and allowing them to answer incoming calls more efficiently, with the exclusion of those concerning the change of date or cancellation of the appointment and ordering prescriptions.
At the beginning of the Medical Revolution, the facility answered 71% of telephone calls, but after the implementation of the application, the result increased to 93 %.
Beginning of the Medical Revolution programme
14 Days After Medidesk Implementation
What has been achieved by
the implementation of Medidesk solutions?
Relieving the medical receptionists
The process of changing the date or cancelling the appointment.
Ordering prescriptions by patients is fully automated.